We love good news stories , and this one has all the feels!
Yesterday, we met Maggie. Maggie has recently relocated to Tasmania and has been looking for work.
She’s been applying for roles each week and when she received the positive news about an interview, she reached out to us.
We were able to fit Maggie in for an appointment straight before her interview. She spent an hour with our volunteers who generously shared interview tips and tricks and provided styling advice so that Maggie felt the most confident in the clothes she selected.
She finished the appointment feeling an instant impact, a boost in confidence and left with a quiet understanding that the volunteers and our team were all waiting back at the office for a positive outcome for her – none of the other candidates had their own private cheer squad!!!
She came back an hour later, excitedly sharing that they had offered her the position on the spot – she was beaming with pride!
The volunteers sprung into action and immediately provided an Employment Styling with Maggie taking away bags and bags of clothing, ensuring she is really to start her new role and knowing that what she would wear wouldn’t be a barrier to her success!
This is exactly why we exist! To empower women to achieve their goals. To build confidence and create powerful connections.
We won’t forget this interaction with Maggie, and we’re pretty sure she won’t forget us either